School chronicle / Instructions to contributors
School Chronicle (Šolska kronika)
Instructions to contributors
School Chronicle: Journal for the history of schooling and education (Šolska kronika: revija za zgodovino šolstva in vzgoje), issued by the Slovenian School Museum in Ljubljana, publishes scholarly/academic articles in the field of history of schooling and pedagogy, as well as book reviews, reports from conferences and exhibitions on this subject. The geographical scope of the journal is both national and international, it particularly covers the area of present-day Slovenia, Central and South-Eastern Europe. Publications are submitted in Slovene or English language.
Articles are subject to a double blinded peer-review by the editorial board, which assesses the suitability for publication. If necessary, the article is returned to the author with comments for amendments. Authors are responsible for all the assertions in their articles. Authors are encouraged to use/cite articles from the previous issues of the School Chronicle, particularly from the last 5 years.
Form of the contributions
All the articles for publication should be submitted in electronic format in Word. The font size should be 12 points, with 1.5 line spacing. Articles should be sent via e-mail to the editor-in-chief:
Academic articles should have between 30 and 90 thousand characters with spaces. The authors must submit articles that are linguistically correct. The article must contain:
– an abstract (up to 20 lines), containing a presentation of the main findings of the article and
– key words (3 to 6 words).
Pictorial content (4 per article, non-obligatory)
Photographs, sketches and drawings should be scanned (resolution at least 300 dpi) and added to the text of the article in electronic format, numbered sequentially. In the text it has to be clearly visible where the pictorial content belongs. Do not include pictures/figures in the actual text.
Picture/figure captions should be included at the end of the article with a precisely stated source, in italics.
Captions for pictorial content from publications:
Description (Name Surname of the author: Title, year, p. page number).
Example: Šolarji na vasi (Ferdinand Bobič: Preljubo Veselje, o kje si doma, 1939, p. 1).
Captions for other pictorial content:
Description (kept by institution/person, photo Name Surname).
Example: Delavnica lepopisja (kept by SŠM, photo library, photo Marijan Javoršek).
Example: Učitelj matematike (kept by Janez Novak).
Footnotes should appear together at the bottom of each page, font size 10.
Archive sources
Sources should be given in line with the rules of each archive, or otherwise:
Archive/institution, department, ring binder/box: Content.
SŠM, archive collection, ring binder. 9: Spisi trivialke v Trnovem v Ljubljani (1831–1870).
Internet sources
If a book in digital form is involved, then the source is given in the same way as for a book in printed form and after the full stop the following should be added: website address (accessed on: day, month, year)
For all the other internet sources, the following should be given: website address (accessed on: day, month, year)
Example: (accessed on: 12 April, 2015)
Citing literature
Name Surname, Book title, Place: Publisher, publication year, p. page number.
Example: Jože Ciperle, Andrej Vovko, Šolstvo na Slovenskem skozi stoletja, Ljubljana: Slovenski šolski muzej, 1987, p. 123.
Serial publications
Name Surname, Title of article, Title of journal, year number, publication year, no. volume number, p. page number.
Example Tatjana Hojan, Nekaj stoletnih šol v letu 2013, Šolska kronika : zbornik za zgodovino šolstva in vzgoje , 23, 2013, no. 3, p. 542.
Collections of papers and catalogues
Name Surname, Title of article, Title of collection (ed. Surname of editor), place (no comma) publication year, p. page number.
Example: Mateja Ribarič, Zgodovina šolskih stavb na Slovenskem, Hiše učenosti na Slovenskem na starih razglednicah (ed. Mateja Ribarič), Ljubljana 2006, p. 15.
Repeated footnotes
If a repeated footnote refers to the same work as the footnote before it, it should say: Ibid., page number. If it refers to the same page, Ibid.
If the repeated footnote refers to a work that was not mentioned directly before: Surname of the author (no comma) publication year, p. page number.
Example: Ciperle, Vovko 1987, p. 125.
Sources and literature
This final section should first include in alphabetical order all the sources and then all the literature cited in the footnotes.
Sources should be listed in line with the rules of each archive (as in footnotes).
Literature is given by first writing: Surname, Name: – and from then on the same as in the footnotes, but without the page number.
Details about the author
Each author should complete the attached form of personal details. Upon submission of an article, authors should submit a statement that they are sending their original, still unpublished article, which has not been sent to another publication. In addition to the printed publication in Šolska kronika, authors must also agree to the open access online publication of the article (license Creative Commons BV 4.0) and the publication of specific details about the author.
Editorial Board of the School Chronicle